Our Mission |
To encourage, support, motivate and inspire our
valued clients to make safe and effective
progress in their life journeys of fitness,
health and wellbeing.
Our Vision |
Metamorphis will be recognised as a genuinely
friendly and caring place where the client's
happiness and health are of primary concern. We
will always provide the highest quality training
within a well-appointed, non-threatening
environment. |
Our Values |
We show our clients love, concern and
compassion. We draw on wisdom and knowledge to
share and guide in areas of health, fitness and
nutrition. Our aim is to live life with
abundance, enthusium and happiness and to
encourage our clients to do the same. Fitness
king gym offers a space of tranquility where
trying is succeeding. We respect the courage it
takes to make changes in your life. We assist
clients in seeking balance and peace in their
lives. |
Code and ethics |
# treat people with respect, whether they are
members or not.
# be honest about what the club can and cannot
provide; never break a promise.
# maintain a high level of expertise among all
staff members. Upgrade their training on an
ongoing basis.
# design individual fitness programs that
include safe and realistic goals.
# design programs based on logical ,safe
,progressive steps achieved with proper pacing.
build on success.
# be responsive to the needs and concerns of the
# make sure that the members understand the
purpose and safe operation of the equipment they
are using.
# maintain a clean, bright and enjoyable
environment for working out.
# be accountable for policies and actions that
directly affect clients.